The day when I sank into the hours and released the leash, I found, myself exploring the blood from your monthly floods underneath my fingernails. As disturbing as it can be, the wholly ritual of fertile females. On the hallway, I met the forsaken angles with garlic breaths. They sang the story of an ancient saga just to keep me focused. Afterwards, I smelled the urine odor from underneath the sheets on your bed. I wondered why you could not make it to the bathroom on time. However, there I was, standing and sharpening my teeth just for this one bite of you. Then, I realized how brave I was to conquer the lonely some days apart from you. It reminded me how full of inhibited desires I was. I left to let the rainy water from heaven reach my face, my hair and let it explore my ears. The catharsis of a person compelled to live. I began walking, aimlessly, looking at randomly chosen people. You somehow lacked the ability to gratify one’s existence. Oh, well…even your breath was
egocentric. It always, sort of just grabbed the air, absorbed the oxygen around us. I was usually left with shallow, quick gasps, just enough to survive but not enough to grow. I remember, the night, when you allowed me to await you barefoot in a cold. You knew how impulsive my actions were. That night you screamed, you went too far, within seconds I was gone. While following my feet, I could not help noticing the pathetic mammals walking through days with no disturbance of their private affections. Concentrating on their images in the shopping windows. Holding their bags with such a passion for possession. They never lose themselves in the waves of morning air. Through all those years, they have become one, massive, lonely crowd. Then I let one drop of my sweat escape, I felt noxious. For me, the human condition is learning how to cope with tears of joy. However, what happens when you were not taught how to perceive joy? I find myself wondering again. It is unhealthy. I make my way
to the coffee shop.
Data publikacji w portalu: 2004-02-16
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