Warszawa. Konferencja QUEER STUDIES na UW - dzień 2

7th international queer studies conference *Seeking Queer Alliances: Resisting Dominant Discourses and Institutions* organized by Gender Studies Program (Warsaw University) and American Studies Center (Warsaw University) co-sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Student Gender Studies Group (Warsaw University) and Lambda Warsaw.

Conference Program

Warsaw University,
32 Krakowskie Przedmieście, Tyszkiewicz-Potocki Palace and
26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście, Old Library (room 205)

DAY 2 - Wednesday, August 30

  • 09:00 - 11:00 Session 5 B (Ball Room) Chair: Małgorzata Głowania

    Adam Ostolski - ’Pity speech’: the therapeutic discourse about homosexuality and its political stakes

    Rafał Majka - The conceptual metaphor otherness is a disease in anti-Semitic and homophobic discourses: Jewishness and homosexuality as "social cancers”

    Robert Kulpa - In Search of Legitimacy. Law, Rights, and Alliances of the Polish Queer Community

    Agnieszka Weseli - Weaving the web of masks. Polish Lesbian Internet Writing: queer or not?

  • 09:00 - 11:00 Session 5 A (Old Library 205)

    Queer Art. Theory. Politics
    workshop led by Wibke Straube and Renate Lorenz

  • 11:00 - 11:30 Refreshment break (Pool Room)

  • 11:00 - 11:30 During the break (Ball Room)

    Book presentation: Jacek Maria Kurczewski, Beata Łaciak, Aleksanderr Herman, Dominika Dzido and Aleksander Suflida, Praktyki cielesne (Wydawnictwo TRO 2006).

  • 11:30 - 13:30 Session 6 A (Ball Room) Chair: Volker Woltersdorff

    Gregory Lyle Gajus - The Contested Boundaries Between Public and Private Space: Mapping the Gay Male World

    Katrzyna Więckowska - The Battles of Manhood: Homophobia and Masculinity

    Lasse Kekki - St. Matthew. Hate Crimes and Queer Politics

    David Navratil - Straightening Queer Masculinity: Why the media shapes and stabilizes perceptions of a single queer identity

  • 11:30 - 13:30 Session 6 B (Old Library 205) Chair: Krystyna Mazur

    Łukasz Knap - Pedro Almodóvar in the Context of Judith Butler’s ‘Queer Theory’

    William Glass - ‘Americans Don’t Want Cowboys to Be Gay’: Brokeback Mountain and the Oscars

    Nathan Long - Queer Fictions: Discourse between Theory and Practice

    Ger J. Z. Zielinski - Exhibition & Community around the Queer Film Festival

  • 13:30 - 15:00 Lunch break

  • 15:00 - 17:00 Session 7 A (Ball Room) Chair: Tuula Juvonen

    Volker Woltersdorff - Neoliberalism and its Homophobic Discontents

    Paweł Leszkowicz - Love and Democracy Alliances (part 1)

    Tomasz Kitliński - Love and Democracy Alliances (part 2)

    Christiana Lambrinidis and Tzannis Sifneos - From there to “Rehearsing Sex”: a space of freedom among theory and the dead meandering to assist with resistance

  • 15:00 - 17:00 Session 7 B (Old Library 205) Chair: Antu Sorainen

    Niina Kuorikoski - ‘Sexuality is fluid. You just go with the flow.’ Analyzing The L Word from a Feminist and Queer Perspective

    Krystyna Mazur - H.D., Djuna Barnes and the Queer Alliances of Modernist Europe

    Anne Rudolph - "gay/lesbian/whatever" - identity narratives in discourses on lesbian safe(r) sex: straight answers or queer questions?

  • 17:00 - 17:30 Refreshment break (Pool Room)

  • 17:30 - 19:30 Session 8 B (Ball Room) in Polish Chair: Tomasz Basiuk

    Ewa Chwalczyk - Strategie codziennego przetrwania odmieńców w wybranych utworach Ewy Schilling, Michała Witkowskiego i Bartosza Żurawieckiego

    Joanna Giza-Stępień - Nostalgia puer aeternus jako archetypowe źródło relacji homoerotycznej w twórczości poetyckiej Eugeniusza Tkaczyszyna-Dyckiego

    Anna Czerner and Elżbieta Nieroba - Aseksualni - mniejszość społeczna in statu nascendi?

  • 17:30 - 19:30 Session 8 A (Old Library 205) in English and Polish

    “Queer” Phenomena. A critical discussion about current uses of "queer" as an urban image factor, as a label for homonormative ambitions and as a cultural modifier,
    workshop led by Ulf Treger, Thomas Boeker, and Christiane Wehr

    After hours

    20:00 Club Tomba Tomba, ul. Brzozowa 37.
    Light dinner served. Party.
    No admission fee for conference participants.


    The organizers gratefully acknowledge the assistance of organizations and individuals who helped us put this conference together. We thank Judith Butler for graciously agreeing to offer the key note lecture. We thank Stowarzyszenie Lambda Warszawa for acting as co-organizer, and special thanks to Yga Kostrzewa and Michał Pawlęga; Międzywydziałowe Koło Gender Studies UW (Interdisciplinary Student Gender Studies Group at Warsaw University) for its involvement, with special thanks to Kasia Szaniawska and Ania Zdrojewska; the foundation Filia die Frauenstiftung for its financial support; Antke Engel of the Queer Institut for her advice, and for putting us in touch with Filia; Porozumienie Lesbijek LBT (Lesbian Alliance LBT) for offering to share their activities with us. Special thanks to Sylwia Borkowska for designing our buttons, and to Monika Korolczuk for the conference logo and folder design, and Artur Nurczewski for program design; Paweł Łakomski for creating our website www.queerstudies.pl, to Małgosia Głowania, Krystian Legierski for making his club Tomba Tomba available for our party, Tomek Grudniewski, Dominika Ferens and Tomek Sikora for all their help and advice, and to many others who have helped us along, among them Agnieszka Duszyńska, Paweł Fatek, Monika Kowalewska, Grzegorz Krzyśko, Katarzyna Matula, Justyna Minc, Marta Rzezak, Olga Ślifirska, and Katarzyna Szustoff.
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